腳後跟往上提的話,重心在落腳處前面,很自然的就會用腳掌觸地,略微前傾的身體讓重心前移帶著你跑,你的力氣就只要花在緩衝落地腳的衝力和提起後足的力量。 沒有打直的腳可以很自然的把落地時的衝力分散給小腿各部分肌肉承擔,而不會直接衝撞擠壓膝蓋關節。稍快的步頻可以讓你的腳掌接觸地面時間短一點,避免形成"腳尾巴"白白浪費力氣。
Pose Running Technique Training
- Braking landing far in front of the body on the heel first
- Putting significant load on;
- the front shin muscles (to prevent the foot from slamming into the ground)
- the knee joint and quads (to dampen the impact from landing)
- Bad alignment as the trunk bends forward in the wasit
- Push off action by plantar flexors and extensors, leading to excessive up and down movement
- "Lazy" (weak) hips, the swing hips dips way too much during support
- Lots of energy disappears in the ground cause you spend too much time on support
- Your cadence is too low (below 180spm) to make good use of muscle-tendon elasticity
- Both hips collapse at impact (the "swing hip" dips)
- You are able to consume gravity really well. You lead your movement with bodyweight (hips).
- Your landing is much closer to the body, so there is less braking movement.
- Your shin muscles, quads and knees will love for this, as this brings you in a much better postion to dampen the impact from landing.
- You show better posture (hip, shoulder and foot are well aligned) and the support hip is well stabilized (less dipping).
- You are spending less time on support (cadence at least 180spm), which allows you to benefit from the energy return out of the soft tissues loaded (under the force of gravity) at impact.
- Most important issues to work on;
- At this moment (after training) your angle of lean (degree of falling) outruns your capability of pulling (direction and timing).
- Therefore you have to actively rush your swingleg ahead, to land your foot on time to not face plant.
- Try to slow down a bit and develop your skills before heading off too fast.
- Your pull direction of the ankle is behind, instead of under the hip.
- Allow the thigh (knee) to come forward while the lowerleg folder behind the upperleg.
- Don't hold back, relax. Speed will determine the height of the ankle "pinging up" (folding).
- So don't actively pull all the way up under the hips.
- Just break contact with the ground, direction is what is important.
- Your pull is late, due to push off action. You cannot pull a leg that's busy pushing. So don't push, pull!
- Furthermore;
- Don't rush your feet to the ground. Allow your foot to drop passively. Don't anticipate for landing in the air by pointing toes and foot up (dorsal flexion) or/and by extending the lowerleg in front. Listen to your footsteps, land soft and silent.
- Work on core, hip, lower leg and foot strength, so you can maintain form for a prolonged time/distance.
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